Park Champions

In June 2013, I went to Olympic park on their Park in progress tour.  It was the last weekend of the tour before the summer of events that was planned.  I came away feeling sad that the park seemed to have lost all its colour and atmosphere that had been so much part of London 2012 the year before.

A week or so later, I was looking at the website and found out that they were looking for volunteers to be part of those summer events.  I applied and suddenly I was back in East London at the training for becoming a Park Champion.

What followed was a summer where Queen Elizabeth gradually came back to life and started to find that special atmosphere once again.  The park is very different now, but slowly but surely it is being transformed for the future.

At the first event I was at, which was the Mumford and Sons concert, quite a lot of the part of the park that was open for the concert was still a building site, with lots of areas boarded off and temporary surfaces to walk on.  By the time National Paralympic Day came around, the surfaces had been replaced and the park landscaped, and the new community centre Timber Lodge was open.  The area that had quite literally been a buillding site in June was now a wonderfully landscaped park for everyone to enjoy.

This is my video of some of the sites of a great summer at Queen Elizabth Olympic Park.

During 2014, I volunteered at more events at QEOP, and went along as a spectator to two events at the Aquatic Centre…


Check out the website at for more about Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and all that it offers.




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Friday, March 14, 3:09 am